Norman Adams
November 21st, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving!God continues to bless America! We have so much to be thankful for!I want to congratulate our new Texas lawmakers for the 116th Congress.
October 25th, 2018
President Trump said he wants immigrants coming into our country to help fill open jobs, but he wants them coming legally!“With what we’ve done, we’ve become so successful that we need people to come in…we want great people...
September 11th, 2018
A few years ago, I produced this 9/11 remembrance as reminder about that day. It brings back a flood of memories, but I believe it is important to remember, despite the pain.God bless America and and the men and women of...
August 13th, 2018
On Wednesday in Brownsville TX, Federal Judge Andrew Hanen heard arguments on whether or not he should end DACA. Although he has not issued a ruling yet, he could at any time.
July 26th, 2018
Instead of opposing DACA, Texas should follow President Trump’s lead in calling for legislation to allow the 800,000 DACA recipients and the one million additional eligible “Dreamers” who are currently living in the shadows...
June 21st, 2018
Border Security and Immigration Reform Act: Immigration Legislation that President Trump Can Support
I am appealing to every business owner in Texas. I am also sending this to Rep. Ted Poe, and Senators Ted Cruz, John Cornyn;Please send a similar email, fax, phone call to your Representative, and to both Senators.
July 25th, 2017
We did not elect you to practice politics. We elected you to use good judgement, and to make sound decisions that benefit Texans.
April 16th, 2015
I urge you to vote NO on SB 185. Police chiefs and sheriffs across Texas have invested many hours traveling to Austin to oppose this bill for this and two previous sessions. They believe it will encourage abusive profiling...
December 16th, 2014
When President Obama could not get what he wanted from Congress on immigration, he simply issued an executive order. Now, it seems Governor Rick Perry is following President Obama’s example.The Legislature has on multiple...
July 14th, 2014
The concerns expressed by these billionaires are shared by countless men and women I meet everyday trying to run small businesses. They cannot find workers. They are afraid of losing the tenured and trained employees they...
November 6th, 2018
Remember when President Obama told us 9.6% unemployment was the “new normal?” It’s now at 3.7%!
October 11th, 2018
It should be clear to everyone, because of the efforts of President Trump and our Republican lawmakers, Americans are now paying less in taxes. As promised, President Trump is bringing jobs back to America. He is removing...
August 30th, 2018
Our lawmakers talk a lot about our broken immigration system these days, but they have not been productive in fixing it. The latest liberal talking point is to call for abolishing ICE.
August 6th, 2018
Recently, President Donald Trump said he would be willing to shut the government down if Congress does not pass immigration reform, tweeting, “A Government Shutdown is a very small price to pay for a safe and Prosperous...
July 19th, 2018
Six and a half months after the passage of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, Americans are paying less in taxes, companies are bringing back earnings from overseas and reinvesting in America, workers are getting raises and...
June 19th, 2018
If you agree with me that Congress needs to do its job and fix our broken immigration system, join me in sending this letter to your senators and representatives. Also send it to every Texas business owner you know, and urge...
May 14th, 2015
Evidently your staff had nothing better to do on Mother’s Day than to falsely accuse State Representative Byron Cook via your TEXAS SCORECARD by suggesting that Cook is supporting legislation that the majority of Texas...
April 15th, 2015
This morning, I sent individually addressed emails (copy below) to every Texas Senator and their Chief of Staff. I copied Governor Abbott, and Lt. Gov. Patrick. Please talk to every Republican Senator you know.
October 19th, 2014
Thank God our Texas legislators had the courage to require pregnant mothers beginning in 2012 to have a sonogram prior to aborting their child! If you ever doubted sonograms would save lives, please watch this nine minute...
June 26th, 2014
When I get a phone call from a media source saying they want to interview me, I know they have “program time” to fill. And as a participant, I am the “filler.” I never turn them down, but I am seldom optimistic about the...