Making a Difference in Dallas County
Thanks to the PAC Committee of Golden Corridor Republican Women, GCRW recently launched a new initiative that they are hoping will begin to turn the tide in Dallas County. Two billboards as well as ad spots on BET (Black Entertainment Television) are driving people to the polls and driving our conservative Republican message home. GCRW is also sponsoring 100,000 robo calls to supplement their effort which is aimed at electing new Republican leadership across the board. To accomplish this, the club contacted founder Apostle Claver Kamau-Imani, a conservative organization that reaches out to the African-American community and urges them to vote their values. Through Golden Corridor’s PAC contribution to Raging Elephants, the club is hoping to bring awareness to the lack of real leadership in Dallas County and urge voters to vote a straight Republican ticket. The billboards are already getting a lot of attention as seen in this CBS-11 story.
In addition to GCRW’s sizeable contribution to Kamau-Imani’s organization, the group also identified some digital billboards in Dallas to help candidates’ individual campaigns. They recruited SREC Committeeman Michael Flusche and the Southwest Dallas County Republicans to financially sponsor an electronic billboard near Fair Park that will run through the election on November 6. GCRW President Susan Fletcher immediately went to work to create an edgy, high-contrast design that would generate a lot of interest, highlighting the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. (among others) was indeed a Republican. The billboard will also promote the three GOP candidates known as the “Three L’s”, Kirk Launius, John Lawson and Charles Lingerfelt, who have been reaching out to Dallas County voters like never before. Furthermore, Congressional candidate Travis Washington has also reenergized voters in District 30 as he seeks to unseat Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D).
Their efforts are bolstered by Dallas County GOP Chairman Wade Emmert who is also sending out a strong message to vote a straight Republican Ticket, all the way down the ballot. Emmert states, “If you won’t vote for a Republican you don’t know, you will get a Democrat you DON’T WANT!” Thanks to the combined work of the Dallas County GOP, Golden Corridor Republican Women and Southwest Dallas County Republicans, their efforts are making a big impact in Dallas County.
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