Border Security

One of the most important responsibilities of Congress is to fund the vital services provided by our government, and in so doing, provide paychecks to the hardworking public servants who keep the cogs of government turning...
The family of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is still waiting for answers about the U.S. government’s role in the circumstances leading to his December 2010 murder. Two firearms found at the crime scene were purchased...
U.S. Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) and U.S.
Today at a press conference, I discussed the migrant crisis at the border and the importance for any long-term solution to be bipartisan. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here. 
As the midterm elections wrap up, it is clear that Democrats gained majority control of the US House and Republicans increased their majority control in the US Senate. What does this bode for passing real solutions for...
The filmmakers at the Rational Middle have now released three additional installments of their documentary series on immigration, first tackling the question of whether a physical barrier along the United States’...
On Thursday, the House Homeland Security Committee advanced legislation introduced by Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, and myself, as Chairman of the House Committee on...
With an unsecured border and 11 million unauthorized immigrants living in America today, it’s clear our nation’s immigration system is broken and has failed to do its job for many years. For the sake of our national security...
Time Cover Donald Trump
The illegal immigration issue is now boiling over in the United States of America and especially in states that border Mexico. While no one wants to 'rip' a child from their mother's arms, no one should 'rip' an unborn from...
As the House of Representatives prepares to vote on an immigration bill Wednesday that would secure the border, end the separation of families that crossed the border illegally, and provide a conditional path for Dreamers to...
Begin the new Congress by creating a legal immigration system that secures our borders and defines legal status for those already here. In 2013, 68 senators — including all 54 Democrats — voted for such a bill, but the House...
Improving our border security doesn’t mean just improving physical security along our border. It also means addressing the problems that bring them here in the first place.
Congress has a timely opportunity during the lame-duck session to ensure protection for Dreamers and fund border security.
Happy Thanksgiving!God continues to bless America! We have so much to be thankful for!I want to congratulate our new Texas lawmakers for the 116th Congress.
The 2017 Texas Legislature passed SB4 to outlaw sanctuary cities and allow police to question any person who they detain of their immigration status.
border patrol
Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed my Border Tunnel Task Force Act to enhance border security and mobilize efforts to crack-down on border tunnel threats. 
Recently, President Donald Trump said he would be willing to shut the government down if Congress does not pass immigration reform, tweeting, “A Government Shutdown is a very small price to pay for a safe and Prosperous...
On June 26th, a minority of Republicans joined every Democrat in the House to vote against the Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2018.
I released the following statement after voting yes on H.R. 6136 – Border Security and Immigration Reform Act: 
Yesterday on the floor, I discussed my recent trip to the Texas-Mexico border and the Keep Families Together and Enforce the Law Act, legislation to ensure immigrant families can stay together while they await their court...



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