
 I have spent thirty-one years as in-house counsel, representing large manufacturing corporations in the United States; including nineteen years as Chief of Litigation at the third largest chemical manufacturer in the world...
Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore denies man-caused climate change. This is not a climate change “hater” or “denier” or an “anti-environmentalist”. This is a reasoned, experienced environmentalist and scientist that is simply...
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change treaty has been profoundly important to Americans ever since it was signed by former President George H.W. Bush and ratified by the Senate in 1992.Under the UNFCCC, a new treaty...
At a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meeting in Lima, Peru, delegates from 196 parties are drafting a new legally binding treaty to replace the 1997 Kyoto Protocol that is to be completed next year in...
You may remember this last spring when the EPA proposed a rule to expand their jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act of 1972. The law lets them regulate “navigable waters of the United States,” but their proposed rule...
Today, I made the following statement at a hearing with the president’s top science advisor, Dr. John Holdren, and the top EPA air official, Janet McCabe, examining the Obama administration’s Climate Action Plan and proposed...
The next time you hear how the Koch Brothers are buying the election or that climate realists like yours truly are nothing more than tools of big oil, let's be a little honest about who are the biggest profiteers.Tom Steyer...
As a senior member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, I released the following statement in response to the Obama Administration’s proposal to drastically increase regulations on carbon emissions.This...
Here are some of the latest on the climate change debate showing once again that the theory that humanity causing the end of our planet is disintegrating.Anyone observing this debate knows that global warming has slowed over...
The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded nearly $700,000 to The Civilians, Inc., a Brooklyn, NY theatre company, for a play that is described as “a thrilling and timely production” that is “a highly theatrical look into...
News continues to get worse for the former head of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC), Dr. Rajendra Pachauri. The former top man at IPCC last week resigned from his remaining job, head of...
Will the United Nations wield its unproven claim that greenhouse gas emissions cause climate change to require each of its 193 member nations to measure and report GHG emissions, a prerequisite for a global carbon tax? Does...
Americas Majority Foundation, an organization that I work with, held several polls over the past three months, including post-election polls. In August, the foundation polled 1100 Hispanics, and in a national post-...
I released the following statement in response to today’s climate change report released by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).While I appreciate efforts to better understand the complex...
The argument for man being the primary mover behind climate change is being debunked by the very studies provided by the believers in man being the primary mover behind climate change. That is right, climate alarmists are...
Today, I sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy criticizing the agency’s limited analysis of its climate regulations and requesting more comprehensive, independent analysis before...
With the recent news of a leading scientist being gagged from reporting his finding and the recent attempt by many in the climatologists' circle to destroy the reputation of those who disagree with their finds, Andrew...
This is Earth Day in 2014, a day when we recommit to environmental awareness and ongoing protection of the environment.Today the internet is filled with articles urging people to honor Earth Day by fighting manmade global...
Most recently, Mother Jones produced a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists that if you were a Fox listener, you were misinformed on climate change because we all know that man is responsible for climate change and the...
There are plenty of myths that often permeate the climate change debate, and if one reads the mainstream media, you will get the idea that world is close to extinction. However, what you read in the media is mostly wrong....



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