
AUSTIN, TX – Texas Secretary of State John Steen today announced that photo identification will now be required when voting in Texas elections. His announcement follows a decision Tuesday by the U.S. Supreme Court that...
Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee Senator Tommy Williams has been plugging the “good conservative budget … we can all be proud of” that the Texas legislature passed and Governor Perry left largely intact. Senator...
“If a piece of the building falls to the ground and breaks, they have insurance for that,” said a middle-aged man in a wheelchair in Houston. I sat in a small portable building behind a church, listening through an...
Among all of the tools governors have, the ability to veto bad bills is one of the most powerful. Usually this is wielded in a very limited way, and typically it is either to correct errors or unintended consequences not...
The following is a release by the NRA Institute for Legislative Action:While transportation, pro-life and juvenile justice issues have been added to the call for the current special session, the NRA has been informed that...
The Texas State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) met for our regular quarterly meeting in Austin this weekend. As always, the meeting was open to the public. Any interested party with or without media credentials may...
The following notice was sent out by the NRA's Institute for Legislative Affairs:The Texas Legislature adjourned its regular session on Memorial Day after passing fifteen pro-Second Amendment measures, and was immediately...
AUSTIN — Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott issued the following statement after a federal district judge overturned a federal emergency rule that attempted to punish certain states – Texas, Louisiana and Florida - by...
I recently announced the creation of the Texas Maritime Caucus, which I will co-chair with Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson from the 30th Congressional district of Texas.The Caucus’ mission will be to promote Texas ports...
During the 2011 Legislative Session, a new law was passed with good intentions but with a devastating unintended consequence.  The new law prohibiting the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) from issuing a Driver's...
Two years ago the Texas Legislature passed a law that has backfired on the drivers on Texas roadways. The law prohibited the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) from issuing a driver's license to any person who could not...
Like most of you, I was very disgusted to learn that last week Obama’s Federal Emergency Management Agency turned down Governor Perry’s request for emergency aid for the devastated town of West. We shouldn't have been...
Texas Governor Perry has vetoed 26 of the bills that passed out of the 2013 Texas Legislative Session, and he also line item vetoed a couple of other bills. These bills range from defunding the Public Integrity Unit because...
AUSTIN - State Representative Phil King has announced a scholarship opportunity for eligible high school graduates from public, private, or home school within Parker and Wise counties. The 2013-2014 Texas Armed Services...
AUSTIN - In response to Governor Rick Perry adding the issue of abortion to the call of the special session today, Representative Allen Fletcher (Tomball/Cy-Fair) filed House Bill 55, prohibiting sex-selective abortions."It...
I applaud the signing of House Bill 5 into law. This legislation will allow for multiple pathways to a high school diploma, increased opportunities for vocational education at the high school level, and the beginning of a...
Update: I has been said that video and pictures are not needed at SREC meetings because audio recording is allowed. The problem is there are no roll call votes so audio recording will NOT show how SREC members vote. Only...
With the regular session of the 83rd Texas Legislature finished, there are a number of decisions made by the current legislature that are positive steps forward for the future of our state. However, there were a number of...
This weekend the Texas Legislature approved HB 2741, a vehicle licensing bill that included a provision to increase penalties on trucks that are hauling overweight loads on our roadways. The House voted 135-9 to approve this...
Earlier this week, TexasGOPVote reported on the attacks on King Street Patriots and True the Vote by the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies under what appears to be a high level coordinated effort to harass...



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