
Her loss was another solemn reminder of the courageous sacrifices law enforcement officers and their families make every day, and I hope memorializing her service at the Border Patrol Station in Rocksprings will help honor...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday issued another executive order attempting to crack down on COVID-19 vaccine mandates — this time banning any entity in Texas, including private businesses, from requiring vaccinations from...
Monday is the deadline to register to vote in Texas for the Nov. 2 elections. 
As the fifth largest producer for organic products in the country, Texas farmers and ranchers have significantly invested in growing their organic operation. Suspending the TDA’s Organic Certification Program would limit the...
I am thrilled for DFW Airport to finally receive the funding for their Fire Fighting Building. After advocating for this project for months, I am glad to see the Department of Transportation agrees this is necessary funding...
She lost her life in the line of duty which serves as a solemn reminder of the selfless sacrifices that law enforcement officers and their families make each day.
This funding will go a long way to support farmers as they recoup losses and fully restore their operations.
Ensuring our coastal infrastructure is resilient and robust is crucial to preventing the next devastating storm and I will continue fighting to ensure our state is prepared to weather future storms. 
A new Texas law makes it easier to prosecute human smugglers by removing the requirement to prove the intent to obtain a “pecuniary benefit.”
The majority of folks who live and work in this community are vehemently opposed to this waste being stored in Andrews, and not a single elected official supports this decision.
Houston attorney Jared Woodfill, who currently represents almost 200 healthcare workers in multiple lawsuits against Methodist, said executive order GA-40 makes the hospital’s policy illegal.
If the federal appeals court throws out the temporary block of Texas’ abortion law, providers could be sued retroactively.
At least two lawsuits have been filed in state court against Alan Braid, a well-known San Antonio abortion doctor, who claims to have performed an abortion after the baby’s heartbeat was detectible, in violation of the Texas...
Five Texas police officers are suing Tesla Motors after being hit by the electric car company's Model X — which was operated by a user in its so-called "autopilot" mode.
Texas lawmakers on Monday released their first draft of a new congressional map for the next decade that includes two new districts in Austin and Houston.
Texas is being sued over its new law barring social media platforms from banning users over their political views by two trade associations that represent some of the industry’s biggest online companies.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is locked in several pitched legal battles with cities, counties and school districts over their bids to require masks in public schools.
As an Air Force veteran, I understand the incessant need for our military to have access to top tier technology to defend our country.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas announced a series of charges filed against 40 people in connection to methamphetamine trafficking. The charges include distribution of methamphetamine, unlawful...
I will celebrate Small Business Week by visiting small businesses around #TX24, testifying with a local small business in front of the Small Business Committee, and spotlighting small business in our community every day this...



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