Joe Biden

If you need more evidence that Democrats have abandoned the hard working men and women of this country, look no further than Biden's out of touch energy plan.
Nancy Pelosi impeachment
With Speaker Pelosi facing increased backlash from members of her own party, including rank-and-file Democrats, you can't help but wonder who is winning this game that she's playing?
Last month, when Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged that he was still unsure about whether to launch a 2016 presidential bid, he said there's "no way to put a timetable" on the decision-making process. But in fact, the...
As Joe Biden edges closer to a presidential run, there’s no shortage of theories as to what he’s up to. Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton has built a commanding lead in the national polls, giving Biden little...
Vice President Joe Biden received President Barack Obama's "blessing" to make a 2016 bid for the White House, according to a senior Democrat. But that's if Biden chooses to run -- the decision is his. While he doesn't need...
The Iraq debacle has shown that our emperor has no clothes. For the past six years, the media has covered up for the most incompetent administration since the beginning of the 20th century, but as Iraq spirals out of control...
Fellow TexasGOPVote blogger Tom Donelson recently wrote about some of the CPAC 2013 speakers who stand out as possible 2016 Presidential contenders, listing Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal and Rand Paul.I respectfully add to that... election proved one thing; we live in a secular America. Christians were...
"Politics is important. How we vote in November will help choose the course for our nation, for good or ill. But as Christians, our story began long before this campaign season. It will continue long after."  - Archbishop...
Joe Biden said in his debate with Paul Ryan that Obamacare would not force any religious institution to violate their faith. Paul Ryan replied by asking why then is the Catholic Church suing you over Obamacare forcing them...
Bernie Sanders’s allies are aiming to cement his legacy as the politician who pushed the Democratic Party to the left on health care, climate and more, now that Joe Biden has been established as the presumptive nominee for...
If you think the fake news list of accusers against Trump is long, wait until you see Biden’s growing real list.You don’t have to look long to find victims of former Vice President Creepy Joe Biden. Because at every...
Hillary Clinton's lead among Democrats nationwide is continuing to recede, according to the latest nationwide Monmouth University poll released Tuesday morning. But unlike in past months, it's not just independent Vermont...
The possibility that Vice President Biden may jump into the 2016 presidential campaign is convulsing the network of wealthy Democrats that financed President Obama’s two White House bids, galvanizing fundraisers underwhelmed...
The recent disaster in foreign affairs has put Obama's competency into question, and for many on both sides, Obama's failure is more about his incompetency as opposed to the results of his ideology. Democrats have an...
With each new day comes new revelations concerning Obama and his administration–each piece of news more chilling than the previous.News that has been leaked for some time now tells of a massive arms build up–1.6 BILLION...
The White House has released a transcript of President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden's annoncement of gun control proposals and executive orders.  As soon as the executive orders, which were signed in a photo-op with...
The following campaign ads for BHO depict the values and morals of a decaying society. The ads are being used to garner votes for the reelection of the present President of the United States of America, the leader of the...
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have made their bailout of General Motors Company (GM) the shining star on their re-election tree. Their claim is they saved the jobs of GM employees.
A lowly New York Times reporter gets a document handed to him. It is a transcript of a meeting in which Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were present, in which security concerns in Libya were discussed...



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