Improving Servicemembers’ Quality of Life and Restoring American Military Might

Funding our military is one Congress’ greatest responsibilities. Today, I was proud to vote for the Servicemembers Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act. 

This year, House Republicans chose to focus this crucial military funding bill on improving the quality of life for our servicemembers and their families. 

It is because of their service and bravery, we are free. Our men and women in uniform – and their families – deserve every benefit in this bill. 

They also deserve the best medical care possible. That’s why I was so alarmed to hear of incidents involving dirty surgical instruments at military hospitals — including one in Texas — that threatened the lives of servicemembers on the operating table. I introduced and passed an amendment in this year’s bill that requires a study to be carried out to get to the bottom of these tragedies and implement solutions to ensure they do not happen again.

I was also proud to support many other conservative victories in the bill, which:

  • Raises servicemembers’ pay;
  • Constructs new houses and childcare facilities for military families;
  • Expands access to medical care, including mental health providers, for servicemembers;
  • Supports military spouses through employment programs;
  • Deters Communist China by preventing CCP espionage and bolstering Taiwan’s defense;
  • Defends our ally Israel by expanding U.S.-Israel military exercises;
  • Restores America’s military might by preventing far-left policies like a military Green New Deal while strengthening our defense industrial base;
  • Helps secure America’s border by funding the deployment of National Guard troops and increasing funding for counternarcotic activities; and
  • Cuts $30 billion in inefficient programs, obsolete weapons, and Pentagon bureaucracy, saving taxpayer dollars.

I am confident this bill will improve military retention rates and restore U.S. military might to ensure our nation continues outcompeting our adversaries.

Read more here.


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