Statement on Texas Budget

The following is press release senr in from the Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas: 

The Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas (LNRC) appreciates the hard work of the Texas House of Representatives in passing House Bill 1 concerning our state’s budget.

Government spending must be brought under control. Making the right decisions today will lead to a more prosperous Texas tomorrow. This is the time when we need solid leadership, and we are here to support our legislature as they make these tough budgetary decisions. As the Senate takes up this bill of critical importance, our hope is that the outcome of this legislation will fund our state while appropriating spending that is within its means.

Just as Texans are tightening their belts, our government must do the same. We join all Texans in hoping that this new budget will prioritize spending and not burden families and businesses with increased taxes.

The LNRC is a nonprofit organization and an official auxiliary of the Republican Party of Texas.

Eric Garza, Vice Chairman

Adryana Boyne, National Committeewoman

Ivan Andarza, National Committeeman


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