Federal Spending Update

As you know, the House of Representatives controls the federal purse strings, and we’ve been the leaders in putting together a detailed spending plan for Fiscal Year 2015. We’re able to set guidelines on how each federal agency spends their money, so we’re setting national priorities for the coming year. For example, the Financial Services appropriations bill, which passed the House last week, cuts all funding for the IRS to implement Obamacare. We’ve prevented your tax dollars from being used to subsidize abortion coverage for federal employees, and we’ve denied the Vice President a pay raise, all in one House-passed spending bill. We can also increase funding in key areas, like ensuring our selfless troops get a 1.8% raise for their continued sacrifice, instead of the 1% raise requested by this administration.

Since my last update, the House has passed four more spending bills, totaling 7 out of the 12 appropriations bills. But we need the Senate to move on these bills too, so we can send them to the White House for the President’s signature. We have 5 more to go, so we’ll continue to discuss funding for the remaining federal departments, including homeland security and foreign operations, labor and health funding, and education. I’ll keep fighting to get our spending under-control, and I hope you’ll share your spending priorities in these areas with me too.


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