Congressman Ted Poe Named as Chairman of House Immigration Reform Caucus

Congressman Ted Poe and Bob PriceIn an announcement today from his Washington, D.C. office, Houston Congressman Ted Poe has been named to serve as Chairman of the 58 member Immigration Reform Caucus (IRC). This news is very important for those who believe that our immigration system is currently in a broken state.

Our immigration system has been broken for decades,” said Poe. “Now is the time for Congress to take the lead and work together to craft a permanent solution. Politics must not continue to trump people. The IRC will serve as a vehicle to bring people together to discuss what immigration reform should look like and how it can be accomplished.

Having worked closely with Congressman Poe on immigration reform in the past, I understand the importance he places not only on fixing our broken immigration system but also in securing the border. Poe has repeatedly called for the placing of National Guard troops along our borders, paid for by the federal government but under the control of border state governors. He has also worked hard to reallocate military equipment returning from Iraq and Afghanistan to our border sheriffs to assist them in controlling the borders.

In addition to his chairmanship of the IRC, Poe has also been named Vice-Chair of the House Immigration Subcommittee.

Joining Congressman Poe on the executive committee of the IRC are Members of Congress Diane Black (TN-6), Bill Flores (TX-17, Phil Gingrey (GA-11) and Lamar Smith (TX-21).

Look for future interviews with Congressman Poe about the IRC here on



WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, Congressman Ted Poe (TX-02), the new Chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus (IRC), held the IRC Executive Committee’s first meeting of the 113th Congress with Reps. Diane Black (TN-6), Bill Flores (TX-17), Phil Gingrey (GA-11), and Lamar Smith (TX-21). In the meeting, the Executive Committee agreed that the IRC’s role this Congress will be to serve as an active forum to facilitate Member discussion, education and debate on immigration reform and border protection legislation.  

“Our immigration system has been broken for decades,” said Poe. “Now is the time for Congress to take the lead and work together to craft a permanent solution. Politics must not continue to trump people. The IRC will serve as a vehicle to bring people together to discuss what immigration reform should look like and how it can be accomplished.”

The IRC currently has 58 members.

Executive Committee Members:

Rep. Ted Poe (TX-2), Chairman

Rep Diane Black (TN-6)

Rep. Bill Flores (TX-17)

Rep. Phil Gingrey  (GA-11)

Rep. Lamar Smith (TX-21 )



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