
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
Here are a few thoughts on 2012 and beyond. In a recent piece in the Weekly Standard, Jay Cost observed that the 2012 election will be close and best case scenario for Republicans would be 51-49. Another aspect is...
Today, I warned that the recent action by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to interfere with broadband access services could lead to further delays in America’s innovation and economic recovery.I am disappointed...
Waste Management drivers, helpers and technicians in Rensselaer and Albany Counties recently got training in mobile community watch."They're on these routes every day so they're used to the normal situation so they are able...
The Democrats want to pass a $1.1 trillion spending omnibus spending bill before reading it (sound familiar?) However, in order to counter this reckless passage of the bill, Republicans have told clerks to read every single...
How will an amendment requiring increased revenues to meet congressional spending help?Everyone knows that federal spending is out of control, resulting in a monstrous budget deficit and long-term financial...
Today, I issued the following statement regarding the Senate’s failure to pass a measure that would impose a two-year moratorium on federal earmarks. I voted in favor of the moratorium.The message from voters in November...
Despite and overwhelming defeat, 6% approval rating, and a letter from fellow Democrats asking her to step down, Nancy Pelosi has announced that she will run for House minority leader.
Remember Jon Stewarts Rally to Restore Sanity, in which he tried to make a mockery of Glenn Becks Restoring Honor Rally? Steven Crowder attended the rally and talked to the people who attended. From the video below, its made...
By less than a 2% margin, voters passed the controversial Proposition 1 "Rain Tax" bill. Now perhaps, we will get to see what's in it. The narrow margin by which this passed should send a message to the Mayor and City...
I have always heard it is better to be lucky than good.  Today was one of those days.  I had just finished writing yesterday's story about early voting problems and thought about where to go for some more intersting shots of...
Michele Bachmann goes "On the Record" with Greta Van Susteren to discuss the Lame Duck congress still at work and Tea Party disappointment over GOP concessions in tax cuts, START, and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Venting her...
On his Friday radio program, Dennis Prager looked back to a speech in the 1990’s at Hillsdale College by former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher that is available online. It was the concluding presentation of a...
Here are a few random thoughts that put the week in perspective.Thought one: A friend of mine observed that with the passage of the recent tax bill; those of us living will not see their taxes go up. Those who will die after...
In the 1970’s, Jerry Brown (yes that Jerry Brown who was just elected governor this past year) opposed Proposition 13, which lowered property tax rates but was overwhelmingly passed by the people.
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Yesterday the House passed a Child Nutrition Act that expands free or reduced cost meals to an additional 115,000 children and will provide 29 million additional meals through an after school program. Sounds great, right!...
This week's New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in the histrionically titled article, "A Flood of Opioids, a Rising Tide of Deaths", very roughly outlines a reported increase in deaths and injuries due to prescription...
This video and message has been sent into me. If this can happen in Alaska, it can happen here!
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Remember the ads...  Red Light Cameras are about safety, not revenue!  They rolled out the cops, they rolled out the firemen, they rolled out the ER Docs, all to drive home the point that this was a safety issue, not a...
Two years ago, Pastor John Lawson gave a speech entitled: "Why Black People Should Abandon the Democratic Party," but the socialists in the audience heckled him and barely let him speak!  Two weeks ago at the Southern Dallas...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) just announced that Republican Candidate for Texas Congressional District 30 Stephen Broden is officially "on the radar" and moving toward "Young Gun" status.“The NRCC...



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