
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
U.S. Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and I recently introduced a bill to rename the Odessa VA Clinic after two Texas Medal of Honor recipients: United States Marine Corps Private First Class Alfred "Mac" Wilson and United States...
Retired Lt Colonel Raul Reyes Jr hosted a Meet and Greet on May 17, 2019 in Castroville, Texas at the Alsatian Golf Pro Shop to announce his candidacy for Texas Congressional District 23. He will be challenging incumbent...
Here’s a look at the status of 25 of the most notable bills in 2019. 
I issued the following statement after the Senate passed a disaster relief package that included a provision he authored to require the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to release $4 billion in Hurricane Harvey funds...
Mr. Smollett’s request for privacy was not a good enough reason to keep the records sealed, considering that Mr. Smollett willingly spoke about the situation in detail on national television and in other venues.
Really what they're doing is squandering what they got in the last election, which is a working majority in the House of Representatives to work with us and work together to try to pass legislation that would benefit the...
We must work together to shut the backdoor of illegal immigration so that we can keep open the front door of legal immigration. This will protect American wages and strengthen our workforce, and I support President Trump’s...
The bipartisan Disaster Recovery Funding Act would start a timer – a shot clock, if you will – on when OMB must release the money, giving them 60 days to get these dollars untangled from the red tape and get them to the...
Created in 1992, the Parallel Track allowed individuals to access breakthrough drugs to treat HIV/AIDS years ahead of such drugs' final FDA approval, while these drugs were still in Phase II and III clinical trials....
The United States is a critical partner in a violent and turbulent region and we must stand with Israel against rising antisemitism around the world.
The U.S. Postal Service is issuing a Forever stamp honoring the former President, who passed away in Houston in November.
Austin Capitol Building
One of the few licensed trades in Texas will no longer be regulated after lawmakers in Austin failed to extend the life of the state agency that oversees plumbers.
This crucial legislation will rein in bureaucratic overreach by the federal government, and allow insurance regulation to be centered in the states. I am proud to lead this effort with Senators Cindy Hyde-Smith and Jim...
The Communist government of Cuba is committed to a system of oppression that leaves no place free from propaganda. They are imprisoning Christians who choose to educate their children at home because it's one of the few...
Senate Bill 10, focused on connecting children to mental health services, was knocked out of contention with a parliamentary maneuver Tuesday night but was revived as an amendment to another bill hours later. It's one of...
Roughly 20 American combat war veterans take their own lives each day, and veterans who have regular contact with VA health services are less likely to commit suicide than those with little or no interactions. We must keep...
Air Force historian Matt Scales said there’s no question that the twin-engine plane is the same one that led the main D-Day invasion. 
The conflict in Syria is complicated, and the potential solutions are not perfect, but our only choice is to advance policies that can stop the growing threats to U.S. interests, Israel, and regional security and stability...
Alphabet Inc’s Google has suspended business with Huawei that requires the transfer of hardware, software and technical services except those publicly available via open source licensing, a source familiar with the matter...
Brandon Creighton
Cities and Counties in Texas will still be able to tell private employers that they must provide paid sick leave, something Republicans in the Legislature failed to rein in this year. The Texas House on Sunday effectively...



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