
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
The United States has a proud history of taking outstanding generals on the battlefield and promoting them to executive office. From our very beginning, General George Washington became President Washington. General Sam...
I’ve been studying the issue of 3rd party cookies, what they are and how they related to the freedom of the internet. It’s not my usual subject, but it’s fascinating in the respect that I had no idea how much money the 3rd...
As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Non-proliferation and Trade, I issued the following statement on H.R. 2471, the “Expedite our Economy Act of 2013,” which would remove the Department of Energy from the LNG...
In 1939, Jimmy Stewarts infamous Mr. Smith went to the nations capitol in Washington, D.C. and showed Americans through the cinema that one person can make a difference in changing the course of a nation. Last week,...
Is the Southern District of New York (SDNY) becoming the laughing stock of our nation's bankruptcy courts? After Chief Judge Cecelia Morris' appearance on Fox Business a couple of weeks ago, that just might be the case. I...
With the regular session of the 83rd Texas Legislature finished, there are a number of decisions made by the current legislature that are positive steps forward for the future of our state. However, there were a number of...
Yesterday, I voted for H.R. 3, The Northern Route Approval Act, which removes the Obama Administration from the permitting process and allows for the immediate construction of the Keystone pipeline from the Canadian border...
The Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants (TSCPA) recently published a paper analyzing President Obama’s proposed FY 2014 budget. TSCPA began its non-partisan analysis by quoting from the President’s budget message...
During the Carter era and stagflation of the 70’s, our economy may have sucked, but at least the entrepreneurs were busy starting news business. Apple and Microsoft began in the 70’s before they exploded in 80’s under the...
San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro and former World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz recently addressed the Young Republicans in an opinion essay ("Political support grows for same-sex marriage," Page B7, April 26), supporting...
Governor Rick Perry has said good-bye, and while many of us will remember his gaffes in running for president, there are very few public officials who can boast as successful a record as Perry did in governing Texas. When...
House Republicans have solutions for getting Americans back to work, one of them being to fully repeal the President’s damaging, unaffordable health care law. In fact, one in five small businesses have laid off workers while...
This morning, while reading the news about the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision overturning parts of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), I received a "National Action Alert" from the non-partisan organization, National Write...
Market economics is about more than making money or creating wealth; it is about allowing individuals to be the best they can be. Free market economics is the only economic system that allows you to act locally and thinks...
Once again, today’s jobs report shows that our economy is recovering at a sluggish pace and that job growth is far behind our potential. In addition to our chronically high unemployment rate, our nation’s employment rate is...
I recently announced the creation of the Texas Maritime Caucus, which I will co-chair with Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson from the 30th Congressional district of Texas.The Caucus’ mission will be to promote Texas ports...
While Democrats in state capitals such as Sacramento and Albany are busy patting themselves on the back for the great job they’re doing, a new report out today puts California and New York at the bottom of the list for...
It’s fitting that President Obama kicked off his "jobs and opportunity" tour in Texas – the state that was rated first for business and second for average personal income growth. With low taxes and sensible regulations,...
WASHINGTON, D.C. –U.S. Representatives Ted Poe (R-TX), Mike Thompson (D-CA), Peter Welch (D-VT) and Chris Gibson (R-NY) today introduced bipartisan legislation in support of an “all of the above” energy approach. H.R. 1696...
Texas is expanding with high paying jobs and leading America in entrepreneurship while California continues its nosedive. Texas, depending upon less taxes, common-sense regulation and encouragement of entrepreneurship, has...



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