
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
When I’m not in Washington, I like to make sure I’m up-to-date on what’s going on in the area. One of the ways I do that is by visiting and touring businesses. I spent the early part of the week in the northern part of the...
Wayne Christian has had a challenging campaign for Rail Road Commissioner. He made the May 24 Run-Off and beat out Houston real estate tycoon Gary Gates in a tight race. Gates outspent Christian 10 to 1 on promoting his...
Yesterday I concluded my West Texas agriculture tour with final stops at Hilmar Cheese Company and a corn harvest in Dalhart, along with a tour of Cactus Feeders in Cactus. 
Blue Bell Creameries is expanding its previously announced recall of its ice cream products containing chocolate chip cookie dough because of possible contamination by the Listeria monocytogenesbacteria.
Sunday I kicked off a three-day agriculture tour in West Texas and visited with cotton farmers at the Dahlen K. Hancock Family Farm in Ropesville. Monday I met with cotton industry leaders at the Meadow Farmers Co-Op Gin in...
An amendment authored by Congressman Blake Farenthold (R-TX) included in the Water Resources Development Act of 2016 (WRDA) passed the House this week.
Last week, the House Oversight Committee held a hearing to investigate the massive increase in the price of EpiPens. Drug pricing is overly complex and in the last few years we have seen several examples of companies...
Donald Trump outlined his vision for managing the nation's economy as president on Thursday, promising that his plans to lower taxes by $4.4 trillion over a decade and cut regulations would lead to booming growth, create...
Last month, the GOP invited a handful of RLI members from across the NYC metro area to a breakfast with Donald Trump. The RLI  - Republican Leadership Initiative - is a city-focused grassroots initiative by the GOP aimed at...
This Labor Day weekend, we celebrate the Americans who keep our economic engine running strong.
This is not Washington's tax code, it belongs to the American people. Taxpayers ought to have a real say in the way you are taxed. We invite you to view this video, come to our website to learn more about our "Built for...
The Obama administration announced Friday a new round of executive actions designed to increase trade and travel with the communist island. And this is the one many Americans have been waiting for — no more restrictions on...
In the last several weeks, Congress has taken important steps to improve flood mitigation projects in Houston and repair damage from the recent Tax Day floods.Funding for Flood Damage Repair
Thanks a lot, Bernie Sanders: the word “socialism” is viewed favorably by close to half of Americans, and even more by young people, in 2016.That’s largely because most people have no idea what capitalism is, having heard...
When the La Quinta channel was completed, Aids to Navigation (ATONs) such as buoys and beacons were not installed as originally planned.
Oh boy, it’s budget time. Media outlets, special interest groups and yes, even politicians who know better, love confusing the public about the year-end budget battles in Washington.Here’s a primer so you can tell the facts...
In the days leading up to the Brexit referendum, the President told our friend, Britain that if they were to leave the European Union, they would end up at the "back of the queue" for a trade deal. What an absurd statement...
The summer is always a busy time for Houstonians. As many of you are getting back into the school routine and wrapping up summer travels, I wanted to share some of the work I did both in and around the community during the...
On Labor Day, which presidential candidate would do a better job when it comes to labor — that is, to creating jobs?A new poll shows it couldn't be closer: 44% say Democrat Hillary Clinton; 44% say Republican Donald Trump....
Twenty years ago, Republicans successfully concluded a multi-year, national effort to reform America’s cash welfare program. The reform was based on one simple idea: the best way to change lives and help people out of...



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