Five stories that marked 2016 in Texas politics

Patriots Who Matter - Part 2

Republicans are proposing immediate repeal of Obamacare, but not replacing it for 2-3 years. Democrats have been toiling for over 100 years in their quest for socialized medicine. It is their holy grail to be defended at any cost. How can Republican leadership believe delaying implementation of a replacement plan after repeal of Obamacare will result in a successful bi- partisan restructuring? Bi-partisanship to a Democrat is Republicans surrendering their values. Read more about Patriots Who Matter - Part 2

114th Congress: Promoting Energy Growth and Securing Our Environment

During the 114th Congress, major pieces of legislation were enacted to help speed up a plan to protect the Texas Gulf Coast, end the outdated ban on exporting crude oil, and reform the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Read more about 114th Congress: Promoting Energy Growth and Securing Our Environment

Voters on Gold Backing the Dollar

This is the first time we asked about monetary policy in this election cycle.

Patriots Who Matter - Part 1

A Wall Street Journal front page headline on Sept 12 states “Trump Signals Shift on Obamacare”.

Climate Change and Energy Development

In 2011, Americas Majority Foundation did two surveys that included questions on climate change. The vast majority of voters either believed that climate change is naturally induced or caused by human activity combined with natural events.

Merry Christmas!


Each year my heart seems to focus upon a different meaning of Christmas.  This year, my heart is focused specifically upon one fact: More than 2,000 years ago, Jesus came to this world in bodily form and in only three years introduced a way of thinking that has been adopted by billions of people throughout history.  This philosophy has flourished despite ancient and contemporary persecutions.  This philosophy has set high standards in not only how we view o Read more about Merry Christmas!

Netanyahu slams Obama for 'gang up' with U.N. resolution

Happy Chanukah


Heidi and I wish a very Happy Chanukah to the Jewish people. This holiday is a time to commemorate the heroic revolt that triumphed over repression, restoring religious freedom and leading to the rededication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem. Read more about Happy Chanukah

The 114th Congress: Reforming Education for Future Generations


During the 114th Congress, key laws were enacted to help return education decisions to parents and local communities, including the first major reforms to the education system in more than a decade, and reauthorizing and expanding a program to encourage innovative approaches to teaching students: Read more about The 114th Congress: Reforming Education for Future Generations


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