Dan Crenshaw

Ceding energy dominance to our adversaries will prevent the United States from exporting clean, American energy to the world, which will likely increase global emissions as countries rely on polluters like Russia or Iran for...
I appeared on "Meet the Press" Sunday morning to make a very clear point: Americans do not care about the internal D.C. drama that has dominated the media's attention in recent weeks despite serious issues facing the country...
I am sorry to inform everyone that I will be pretty much off the grid for the next few weeks. 
Texas is getting shortchanged when it comes to vaccine allocation and it's unacceptable. We need answers and transparency, which is why I introduced legislation to obtain the formula being used to determine the allocation of...
I recently introduced bipartisan legislation to reimburse states like Texas who have spent significant resources on enforcing federal immigration laws, which is a responsibility of the federal government.
Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) penned this op-ed in the Houston Chronicle February 9th, criticizing President Biden's early executive orders on energy policy and outlining an alternative path forward to protect the...
Energy production is critical for jobs, our economy, and also funds coastland conservation and hurricane preparedness. This bill will ensure that production continues despite President Biden's terrible executive orders.
Yesterday I sent a letter to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge urging the approval of an amendment to Texas's current State Action Plan that would ensure Harris County receives needed resources to complete...
The 1115 waiver reimburses Texas hospitals for the uncompensated care provided to Texans without insurance. The waiver also pays for innovative care that often serves low-income Texans, such as mental health services.
Late last year we saw the ATF attempt to make a rule that would have cost the industry more than $1.25 billion. The fact an unelected bureaucrat could make a rule hurting the American economy and American jobs to that extent...
Americans are tired of this false choice of inaction or economy-crushing regulations when it comes to climate change. I look forward to serving on this committee to push for policies that will protect our environment and our...
Unscientific, unconstitutional economic lockdowns have destroyed millions of lives and countless small businesses. They have zero benefit to public health, but massive costs to local economies and livelihoods. That’s why we...
This past year has been a low point, no doubt, but it is men like Brian that remind us of the grit and tenacity and good character that America was built on. He may not be with us anymore, but if we are to honor him then we...



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